Policy Templates


An anti-bribery policy sets out rules and regulations for how your employees can handle potential bribes. Having adequate procedure lessens any risks corruption carries on a business.

It lays out the legal definition of bribery, which is the offering or accepting of any gift, loan, payment, reward or a business advantage for personal gain as an encouragement to do something which is dishonest, illegal or a breach of trust.


Business Continuity Plan

A business continuity plan (BCP) is a document that outlines how a business will continue operating during an unplanned disruption in service. It’s more comprehensive than a disaster recovery plan and contains contingencies for business processes, assets, human resources and business partners – every aspect of the business that might be affected.


Data Protection & GDPR Policy

A Data Protection Policy (not to be confused with a Privacy Policy or Privacy Notice) is an internal policy which outlines your organisation's approach to protection data. It is a statement that sets out how your organisation protects personal data.

Essentially, it is a set of principles, rules, and guidelines that informs how you will ensure ongoing compliance with data protection laws.


Disaster Recovery/Incident Response Plan

A disaster recovery (DR) plan is a formal document created by an organisation that contains detailed instructions on how to respond to unplanned incidents such as natural disasters, power outages, cyberattacks and any other disruptive events. The plan contains strategies on minimising the effects of a disaster, so an organisation will continue to operate – or quickly resume key operations.


Disciplinary & Grievance Policy

A disciplinary procedure is used by an employer to address an employee's conduct or performance. A grievance procedure is used to deal with a problem or complaint that an employee raises. Difficulties may arise at various points in the employment relationship, and disciplinary and grievance procedures are there to ensure that these challenges are dealt with fairly and consistently. For this reason, employers need procedures that support both the employer’s and employee's perspective.


Employee Handbook

An employee handbook provides guidance and information on a company’s mission, vision, values, policies and procedures, and workplace code of conduct. It can be a valuable resource for employees to acquaint themselves with everything they need to know to be successful and safe in your office. An employee handbook also helps protect employers against discrimination or unfair treatment claims by forewarning employees of these policies so they know what to expect.


Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Policy

An anti-slavery and human trafficking policy is designed to help an organisation comply with the Modern Slavery Act (2015). The policy gives workers, contractors, and other business partners guidance on slavery and human trafficking and sets out the measures to be taken by the organisation to tackle slavery and human trafficking in its business and its supply chains.


Privacy Policy

A privacy policy is a document that explains how an organisation handles any customer, client, or employee information gathered in the course of its operations.


Security Policy

A security policy is a document outlining how to protect your organisation from threats, including computer security threats, and how to handle situations when they do occur.


Whistleblowing Policy

A whistleblowing policy is a set of principles around the reporting of wrongdoing within an organisation. It is used to inform procedure and should be readily accessible to all workers. A whistleblowing policy outlines an organisation’s stance on whistleblowing and offers instruction to workers who are considering blowing the whistle.



Readiness Questionnaire


Cyber Dictionary