Put your cyber defenses to the test with Cyber Essentials Plus

  • What is Cyber Essentials Plus?

    What is Cyber Essentials Plus?

    Cyber Essentials Plus is an advanced certification level within the Cyber Essentials scheme, which is a cybersecurity certification program developed by the UK government. The Cyber Essentials Plus certification builds upon the basic Cyber Essentials certification and involves a more thorough assessment of an organisation's cybersecurity measures.

  • Why get Cyber Essentials Plus?

    Why get Cyber Essentials Plus?

    Cyber Essentials Plus certification is essential for businesses looking to elevate their cybersecurity defences. This advanced level of certification, including vulnerability testing and on-site assessments, ensures a robust defence against cyber threats. Achieving Cyber Essentials Plus not only demonstrates a commitment to data security but also instills confidence in clients and partners.

  • How do I achieve Cyber Essentials Plus?

    How do I achieve Cyber Essentials Plus?

    Cyber Essentials Plus is a big leap from Cyber Essentials, but our expert team is here to guide your company through. The process will involve an external vulnerability test as well as an on-site assessment, but with Titan Labs, we’ve made achieving Cyber Essentials Plus is a streamlined journey towards enhanced resilience, trustworthiness, and a fortified digital future.

Why use Titan Labs to get certified?

Cyber Essentials Plus is a big leap from Cyber Essentials, but the key to success lies in being prepared. Not a cyber security expert? You don’t have to be! With Titan Labs, our team will support you through the assessment, strengthening your organisation’s security along the way. We’ll also send out a reminder when it’s time to renew, flagging any likely changes or updates you’ll need to make from last year, helping you gain and maintain your certification.

Ready to take on Cyber Essentials Plus?

Whether you’re ready to go, or need a helping hand, we’ve got the expertise to guide you through the Cyber Essentials Plus process. For pricing, info, or if you have any questions of us, just click the button below.


Cyber Essentials


Cyber Baseline